Wednesday, August 15, 2018

God's love never fails

In every moment of your life, always remember that there is someone up there who watches over you always. If ever you're from a recent break-up with you boy/girlfriend or your family abandoned you or the world seems to be unfair, don't ever say or even think that no one loves you. You're not here in this world if no one loves you. No matter who you are, no matter what things you have done, there is always one GOD that is ready to help, guide and love you. Don't give up just because of all the problems you have, for God is a million times bigger than all of them combined. Just keep going, let Him guide you and your life will be prosperous


EXPELLED, A movie so interesting that I advise you to watch it. Our TLE-ICT teacher had let us watch the movie. It was fun and humorous. Except for its amusing conception, it also taught us many ideas about network problems and attacks which helped us to connect and relate it to our topic.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

My Wedding Tarp

Life of an ICT-major student is fun. We get to play and experiment on different tech-y stuff. One activity I have experienced in the subject is the making of our wedding tarp. using Photoshop. It's been exciting because we got the chance to be partnered with our classmates. Especially, I got to be paired with my grade 5 crush😂😂. It was interesting editing and playing with our concept. And so I've come up with this output.👇😁

Monday, August 6, 2018

Life outside

It's Fun in the Open-Air

Life outdoors is essential to each and everyone. In spite of all the hardships in school, there's still something that have brought extra fun and excitement to students. 
In the past Nutrition Program, we in our school had participated in this interesting and fun game named, "Catching the Dragon's Tail". It gave us diverse amusement and entertainment because of the unique and distinct concept of the said game. 
Thanks to this game, it made me realize the significance of the outdoor life. It helped us to gain connection and links to our fellow schoolmates, not just our classmates. 
We students or should I say people, should also spend time outside playing games and having fun with our loved ones. We must not imprison ourselves with modern tech because it's just stupid.
Whoop it up and relax, take advantage of the world that is given to us. ENJOY.

School Life

For my first post, I would like to share the busy and hectic life of a student. Especially under the K-12 curriculum. Projects, assignments, quizzes, group works and others which are given to students. A student's life is not easy. But no problems are bigger than the Almighty. So to my fellow school learners out there, KEEP IT UP!

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Hi there!

First of all, I want all of you to know that I am a beginner too in this world so please bear with me. I made this blog to express my life in the internet. I'm not used to flowery words, it's all plain. What you will see in this blog is about anything. Almost all about social and other contemporary matters is my taste. I am just a simple person, talking about simple but diverse stuffs. Don't expect more than that.